ok i'm back for 2019 and this time for real i'm back no bullshit or anything so i've been working on a Album and well all i can say is that it's finished but i'm not releasing it until My B-Day on Feb. 27th as a way to give to my fans and well the Album will be free by then however you probably scratching your head wondering when it's being released on Stores well i'm planning for a Janurary Date probably the 26th because it's 14 days after the dark lord - Remixes and well if you want to get Escaping the Cyberverse and World 3 then well it's still up on bandcamp for free i mean you can listen to it aswell on my soundcloud aswell
Anyways what have i been doing since i was away well i was working on my Label FrostSelect non-stop like holy shit i wasted alot of my time on my label since i'm basically the only one running it but still if you want to send me a Demo then you can do it hereĀ https://exit.sc/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.labelradar.com%2Flabels%2Ffrostselect%2Fprofile and hereĀ https://exit.sc/?url=http%3A%2F%2Flabelfrostselectmusic.label-engine.com%2Fdemos also if you want to help me on my label then just message me on soundcloud or add me on Discord which is Distorted Vortex#8792